Thursday, January 26, 2012

Leadership was AMAZING! and then I had a cold.

I had simply an amazing time at Leadership in San Antonio!! Learned so much and am so excited about the future of paper crafting and Stampin' Up!
Somewhere between Dallas and Edmond I found a cold bug and he has made me hurt all over. Bad bug!! Thankfully, today is better and I am getting some of my favorites from Leadership posted. Thank you for your patience.
Me and Stampin' Up President & COO, Rich JutkinsImagine! Sitting in a room with the President & COO and the Vice President, over Demonstrator and Employee Development, and 50 or 60 top level demonstrators and instructed to explore, question, imagine and dream about what is needed to help enable us to be the very best we can be. It was such a productive day and I can't wait to see what changes take place because of it. Thank you, Stampin' Up for listening. This, I'm convinced is what sets this company apart and why I am so proud and thankful to be associated with Stampin' Up!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome experience! What ideas did people come up with? I am so curious :)
